Implements methods for GDPR Compliance.
API | Description |
POST api/support/forgetMe?partnerId={partnerId}&msisdn={msisdn}&api-version=2.0 |
GDPR Compliance. Performs a "forget me" action for the specified user. Removes or anonymizes all private information relating a given MSISDN to the given partner. This is not reversilbe. |
GET api/support/getMyData?partnerId={partnerId}&msisdn={msisdn}&api-version=2.0 |
Fetches all transactions for a given phone number made towards a given partner. Includes all fields potentially containing private information. |
GET api/support/getMyData/excel?partnerId={partnerId}&msisdn={msisdn}&api-version=2.0 |
Fetches all transactions for a given phone number made towards a given partner. Includes all fields potentially containing private information. |
API | Description |
POST api/recurring/subscribe?api-version=2.0 |
Step 1: Creates a new subscription per Msisdn |
GET api/recurring/process/{partnerId}/{internalId}?api-version=2.0 |
Step 2: When user opens the url returned from subscription to process and will be retidecter to the Pay url (Payment provider page) |
GET api/recurring/return/{partnerId}/{transactionId}?api-version=2.0 |
Return after Vipps payment is done by the client, but this payment is not completed yet in Vipps |
DELETE api/recurring/cancel/{id}?api-version=2.0 |
id could be either an integer refers to recurringId or a guid refers to a memberId |
GET api/recurring/subscriptions/{partnerId}/{paymentTypeId}/{from}?api-version=2.0 |
No documentation available. |
Transactions are the actual payment transactions that have been set up and are ready to be processed.
The controller responsible for handling the requests regarding the pre-transaction reminders.
API | Description |
GET api/pre-transaction-reminders/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}?api-version=2.0 |
Retrieves the Utc time of the reminder if existing |
POST api/pre-transaction-reminders/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}/enable/{hoursDelay}?api-version=2.0 |
Creates or enables a reminder for a specific partner and pre-transaction |
POST api/pre-transaction-reminders/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}/disable?api-version=2.0 |
Disables a reminder for a specific partner and pre-transaction |
Statistics related to mobile invoices
API | Description |
GET api/statistics/{partnerId}/transactions?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&api-version=2.0 |
Returns number of sent|paid|opened mobileinvoices in the time period. |
GET api/statistics/{partnerId}/paymentproviders?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&api-version=2.0 |
Returns a list of name-value pairs, where name is PaymentProvider and value is number of payed transactions in the period. |
GET api/statistics/{partnerId}/totals?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}&api-version=2.0 |
Total number of Sent|Paid|Opened mobileinvoice transactions. |
Use pre-transactions to pre-register a transaction with an option to choose payment selections by the end user. Used when you want to request a payment from a customer. Creating a Pre-Transaction typically sends an SMS Notification to the user with a link to a mobile landingpage where the user can chose payment type, for example Card or Phone payment. After the user has entered the payment information, like credit card number etc., a payment transaction is automatically performed that will deduct funds from the users preferred payment method, and the user is re-directed to a receipt page.
API | Description |
GET {Type}/pre-transactions?partnerId={partnerId}&correlationId={correlationId}&api-version=2.0 |
Gets pre-transactions by correlation id (Supports OData 4.0). |
POST {Type}/pre-transactions?api-version=2.0 |
Creates a new pre-transaction. Use the 'Location' http header to learn the resulting url of the created resource. SmsNotificationText, SmsReceiptText, ReturnUrl, StatusCallbackUrl and SmsStatusCallbackUrl are template-based and can reference values from the pre-transaction by using this expression form: '{{propertyName}}'. Pre-transaction properties have precedence over custom property names. Pre-transaction payment selection page url can be included by using '{{paymentSelectionPageUrl}}'. |
POST {Type}/pre-transactions/ehf?partnerId={partnerId}&templateName={templateName}&api-version=2.0 |
Creates a new pre-transaction from EHF order. Use the 'Location' http header to learn the resulting url of the created resource. |
GET {Type}/pre-transactions/ref/{partnerId}/{referenceId}?api-version=2.0 |
Gets pre-transaction by partner id and pre-transaction id. |
DELETE {Type}/pre-transactions/{partnerId}/cancelSending/{preTransactionId}?api-version=2.0 |
Cancels the sending of a single sending if the message is not already sent |
PUT {Type}/pre-transactions/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}/credit?api-version=2.0 |
Credit pre-transaction, if money is captured it will be refunded. |
PUT {Type}/pre-transactions/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}/capture?api-version=2.0 |
Capture authorized pre-transaction (will fail if no auhtorized transaction exists). |
PUT {Type}/pre-transactions/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}/paid?paymentTransactionId={paymentTransactionId}&statusDescription={statusDescription}&api-version=2.0 |
Set pre-transaction as paid externally through other channel |
PUT {Type}/pre-transactions/ref/{partnerId}/{referenceId}/paid?paymentTransactionId={paymentTransactionId}&statusDescription={statusDescription}&api-version=2.0 |
Set pre-transaction via referenceId as paid externally through other channel |
POST {Type}/pre-transactions/{partnerId}/{preTransactionId}/orderlines?api-version=2.0 |
Add orderlines to pre-transaction. |
GET {Type}/pre-transactions/{partnerId}/distinctviewtemplates?api-version=2.0 |
Gets a list of distinct view template names that has been used for a given partnerId |
GET {Type}/pre-transactions/url/{partnerId}/{referenceId}?api-version=2.0 |
Gets pre-transaction url by partnerId and referenceId. This method will not evaluate the existence of the pre transaction |